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The Ley Line Group


the Mary Chapel

at the village of Tilligte

near Ootmarsum, Netherlands



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Maria Land Kapel

Mary Country Chapel


The Ley Line group very often is interested in ancient places.

The Mary country chapel, Westenveldweg, 7634 PS Tilligte

is of recent design and construction.

Many people say the chapel is in the Schoolstraat, but this seems to us to be incorrect.

The chapel was opened May 18, 2003.

We don't know whether the chapel replaced another chapel or way cross.

It seems that yearly 25,000 people are visiting this new chapel.

Website in the data base of pilgimages:


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The Mary Country Chapel

is placed in a modest corner of the village of Tilligte.


The chapel has a Mary statue in the Lourdes model.


Also a modern newly built chapel

has the symbol of the old regligion on top.



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The place of the new chapel is well chosen.

Here the mole hills follow the North South line

and there is also a line of mole hills West East visible.

This crossing of those two lines of mole hills is just outside the chapel

two meters from the place of the Mary statue inside.

So the place of the chapel is well chosen.

This could explain the apparent success of the devotion.


This brings up the question:

was there an older chapel or way cross

on this exact spot?

Or were people aware of this ley line crossing?


Some members of the LLG are still conferring

the impression of the Landkapel.

Overall everybody is impressed.

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There are people claiming a healing of themselves or of relatives.

This could be very interesting.

But there is no registration of people claiming miracles.

It would be nice if a local docter looked into it.




Pictures ©copyright 2011 Robert and Susan


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Updated August 12, 2012


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Copyright©2002-2012 by Robert and Susan



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