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The Healing Well Schiefer Stollen

at Nordenau, Sauerland, Germany

at Home2b.nl


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The Healing Well Stieferstollen

at Nordenau


Susan and Robert visited the Healing Well many times.

These experiences were impressive and forceful.

The Healing Well is one of the very few places on Earth

where Reduced Water or so called Micro water surfaces.

The only other places are in Mexico and Japan.

The experience consists of two parts:


-the cave which is an entrance towards an abandoned slate mine (Schiefer Stollen);


-the drinking of the pure Micro Water from the Well.


Micro Water has special properties and

 weighs 8 percent less then normal water.


Beschrijving: sunflower


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The road towards the entrance of the cave.


At every moment of the day people are waiting outside

to work on their healing.

Every half hour on every day of the year a group of people

is admitted into the cave.

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The entrance towards the cave in the Mine entrance.


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Waiting room for up to 60 people admitted per half hour.


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Going inside the cave the energy forces are heavy and refreshing.

This picture is without flashlight in a completely black limestone cave.

There are some lamps, but not all the light in the picture

is explained by the few little lamps and neons.


The cave is always at 8 degrees Celsius, so rather chilly.

Better take a fleece or jacket.


The first visit Susan and Robert felt heated by the powers.

The powers were getting into our system.

The second and third visit we were feeling much colder.


Robert felt the nearness of Divinity.


The newest pictures!!

the well and the mine

the water table

sitting in the magnetic field

chairs waiting for the visitors coming in every half hour



The cave with benches, where the visitors experience the influence of the forces

for 20 minutes in meditative silence.


Robert tried to measure the forces, but they were to heavy to measure.

On a second visit Robert will try a measuring strategy.

It feels like heavy magnetism, but also like heavy Earth energy.


Since the cave opened in 1992 almost 2,000,000 people have been here.



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Drinking the water from the Well (right of the table)

is essential. Some people use 2 litres a day during their stay.

Every visitor goes out of the cave drinking their cup.

Every container is filled for free with the healing water.


A Japanese medical team has published about the Nordenau water.

Real improvements have been noticed in certain kinds of diabetes.

24 percent of the free radicals in the body are taken away!

Free radicals are connected with many diseases.

This is proven.


The water is so called Reduced Water,

lighter then normal water,

with the electron spin reversed.

This water is strongly anti radicals!

It takes away all the free radicals!!

So it helps after chemo cure,

 and with heart muscle diseases and much more.

Directly next to the Mine entrance is a therapy centre

 where medical staff is available!


Thousands of people are reporting healings or improvements:

long cancer, bronchitis, arthritis, eczema,

liver diseases, migraine, rheumatism, multiple sclerosis and many more.

Bones, joints and skin are very succesfull!


Robert has measured the inside of the Mine entrance in 2012

with scientific instruments and finds

a raised level of high frequency electricity


a very high level of magnetic energy

varying from 0,8 µT and sometimes higher.

So there is a real energy field measurable with real instruments!

Beschrijving: zonnebloemklein


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The roof of the cave is covered with grass and trees.


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The sign along the road.


People drive thousands of kilometres to be in Nordenau for a day or for a week.

People from Japan and Canada fly over to be here.


The water is flown all over the world, even to New Zealand and Korea.


Beschrijving: zonnebloemklein


Although officially there is no connection with any religion,

at the entrance of the terrain is the chapel of the Black Madonna.


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Many visitors bring flowers here.

Or they leave behind a paper with a written prayer.


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The Black Madonna in the little chapel.


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Also in the entrance towards the cave we find modestly the Madonna.

And apparently the Samaritan helping the stranger.


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People drinking the water at the exit,

enjoying the pure air of Nordenau,

waiting for the healing to come.


Susan and Robert visited the cave three times and drank the water regularly.

Robert did feel changed, improved, different.



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Updated March 07, 2012

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Copyright©2002-2012 by Robert and Susan