(or any other Home2b domain)
This is our Privacy statement.
We don't collect personal data, except:
1. when you ask us to write you back,
your e-mail address and your name to
write you back,
(only the address you give us
2. some statistical data without any personal
(type of browser, windows version,
We will use your data to send you an
answer to your message,
or to send you information you asked
When you e-mail us, we claim the right
to use
the text of your e-mail
(without using your name or personal
data or personal remarks)
in a list of reactions.
We are not expecting to receive any paper mail,
but when you do send us paper mail,
the same privacy statement as for the e-mail will
If ever you think any of the Home2b
domains has done something wrong,
only Dutch law
(the law of the Kingdom of the
will apply.
For a list of the Home2b domains see the Information
We don't send out spam (unwanted email).
We will not place your name on a mailing list
outside any
of the Home2b domains.
We will not give or sell any information to others.
Only when you ask us, we place you on our e-maillist
in case we start up the Home2b newsletter.
If you have questions about this privacy statement,
Updated August 18, 2012
Everything on this website:
ÓCopyright2002-2012 by Susan and Robert