


Susan messages

Join in with the

Weekly World Peace Meditation




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We are One


Join in with the

Weekly World Peace Meditation



The world is in a state of chaos.


We need something better.


It has been unequivocally proven that


when large numbers of people get together to meditate


that violence has decreased.


We need to reclaim our power of peace


and a peaceful world to move forward to


create a better world.


We can do this by coherent resonance


being created in the Unified Quantum Field


just by meditating.



In 1974 an experimental study observed three different gatherings

of over 7,000 people meditating each morning and evening

for three consecutive weeks.  

The study took place in Fairfield, Iowa (December 17, 1983-January 6, 1984),

The Hague, Holland (December 21, 1984-January 13, 1985)

and Washington, DC (July 1-July 10, 1985).  

The results were astounding.  

According to the Rand Corporation,

a think-tank based in California, “

acts of global terrorism resulting in

fatalities and injuries were reduced by 72%.”


We are powerful and this is one way that we can realize it.


Please spread the word of this meditation as much as you can.



The synchronized meditation is to occur

at 3 p.m. GMT every Sunday.

This is at 4 p.m. in Western Europe,

5 p.m. in Central Europe,

11 a.m. in New York and Montreal, and

at 8 a.m. in California, Oregon and Washington State.


Please be sure to check

when you will be moving your clocks for summer and winter times.



Since the first meditations in which two have occurred,


there have been positive changes.


For example, a ceasefire was signed in the Ukraine.


Please participate and encourage everyone you know


to participate in this synchronized meditation every Sunday.






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Updated October 4, 2014

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Copyright©2002-2014 by Susan and Robert

