Ashtavakra Samhita

Chapter 10




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The Asthavakra Samhita chapter 10.


The goal is to have the Sanskrit text,

the word by word translation and

 the english translation in one document.


English translation by John Richards (2nd. version)

Public Domain

The complete texts are downloadable at the

Ashtavakra Samhita index page.

Here begins chapter 10.



In the Sanskrit is here "Ashtavakra said".

This omission will be corrected.




etyoh-haetum sarvtatra-anaadaram-kuru/10.1/. 


 Vihaaya = renounce, varrinam = the enemy,

kaamam = desires for bodily pleasures,

artham = the desires for prosperity,

ch= and, anarth = mischief, sankulam = entirely filled of,

dharmam = desires for pious work,

upi= also, etyoh = from these two,

haetum = consequence, saravtatra = everything at everywhere,

anaadaram = disregard, kuru =do.  


Ashtavakra said:


Abandon desire, the enemy, along with gain,

itself so full of loss,

and the good deeds which are the cause of the other two

-practice indifference to everything. 10.1









Svapan = dream, indarjaal = the exposure of magician,

yat = like, pashya = perceive, dinaani=days,

treehi = three, panch= five, vaa = or,

miter = friends, shetra = farms, dhan = richness,

agar = wives, daraa=brothers, daaya=others,

di = other such etc., sampadya = fortunes.   


Look on such things as friends, land,

money, property, wife, and bequests

as nothing but a dream or a magician's show

lasting three or five days. 10.2










 Yatratatra = wherever, bhvaet = are,

trshnaa = the desires, sansaaram = world,

vidhi = know, tatra = there, vai = indeed,

prodhh = definite, vairaagyam = renunciation,

aashitya = adopt, veet = released from,

trshnah = desires, sukhi = happy, bhav = be.   


Wherever a desire occurs, see samsara in it.

Establishing yourself in firm dispassion,

be free of passion and happy. 10.3







uchyatae-bhvaa-sansakti-mattrain- prapt-



 Trshnaa = desires, maatramakah = simply only,

bandhah = affection, tannaashah = destruction of this,

mokashah = release, uchyatae = described, bhvaa= is,

sansakti= desire less in everything, mattrain = alone,

prapt = achievement, tunhtih = satisfaction,

murhumurhu = continuously.  


The essential nature of bondage is

nothing other than desire,

and its elimination is known as liberation.

It is simply by not being attached to changing things

 that the everlasting joy of attainment is reached. 10.4






Tuvam-ekah-chetanah: shudhah-jadam-vishvam-




tuvam = you [ the absolute aspect of life ],

ekah = one, chetanah = knowledge that feel right or wrong,

shudhah = pure, jadam=devoid of knowledge,

vishvam = universe, asat = false perception,

tadhaa = and, avidayaa = deficiency of interior knowledge, 

upi=  also, na = not,

kinchit = something,

saa = that, kaa = what, bubhutsaa = wish to know,

tadhaa = and,  upi=  in spite of, tae = yours.  


You are one, conscious and pure,

while all this is inert non-being.

Ignorance itself is nothing,

so what is the point of wanting to understand? 10.5






  Raajyam-sutaah: kaltraani-sharirani-




 Raajyam = kingdom, sutaah = son,

kaltraani = consort, sharirani = body,

sukhaani = happiness, ch= and,

sansaktasya = disturbing affection,

upi= though, nastaani = destroyed,

tav = your, janmani-janami = birth after birth.  


Kingdoms, children, wives, bodies,

pleasures -- these have all been

lost to you life after life,

attached to them though you were. 10.6










 Alam = no need to make more,

arthaen = desires for prosperity,

kaamaen = desires for physical body,

sukratain = desires for pious works,

upi= even, karmnaa = karma, ebhyah = from these,

sansaar = the world,

kaantaare = forest of the shapes of perceived object,

na = not, vishraantam = rests in the calmness,

abhoot = get something done, manah = brain  


Enough of wealth, sensuality, and good deeds.

In the forest of samsara the mind has never

found satisfaction in these. 10.7









  Kratam = carried out the karma, na = not,

kati = for how many, janmaani = births,

kaayaen = with the body, mansaa = with the brain,

giraa = with the speech of thought, dukham = having misery,

aayaasadam = comprising the difficulties,

karam = karma, tat = so, addya = now,

upi= even, upramyattaam = cease. 


How many births have you not done hard

and painful labour with body, mind, and speech.

Now at last, stop! 10.8


Here ends chapter 10.


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