Welcoming Page

to the webpage you linked to

Advice to parents of indigo children

at Home2b.nl



Susan and Robert are welcoming you into our webhouse.

Enjoy your stay in Home2b.nl


The information you are looking for is still available,

but has been updated in another part of Home2b.nl


Follow this little menu and

you will find what you are looking for:



advice to parents of indigo children



site map



This is the standard menu in Home2b.nl:

ancient christianity

susan messages


office susan

office robert

vedanta advaita


secret history

dimension gateway

information board


site map of Home2b.nl

what is new on Home2b.nl

special index for the Bulgarian spiritual project

special index for the Ley Line Group Visits




You may e-mail:



Updated July 18, 2011

Everything on this website:

Copyright©2002-2011 by Robert and Susan