Definition of Secret History
A definition of Secret History
Writing about Secret History asks for
Definitions are not always easy.
The concept of hidden history is intuitively
Propaganda is trying to manipulate our feelings
and concepts.
A lot of things are hushed up, sometimes not on
but because of a general mind frame.
History and archeology are sciences like all
Scientists and also you and me are modelling
Reality is very complex and disturbing.
By making a model of a field of interest
things are understandable and falling into
1. Creation or Evolution.
Two models of science, both unlikely.
One model sees our visible world
as the product of divine intelligence.
The other model sees the visible world
emanating slowly
from the dead material into higher life forms.
2. Continuity or discrete points.
When I had discussions with my mathematics
they stated that this modelling discussion
was old fashioned and not actual anymore.
When I have discussions with physics professors
theology professors, they became enthusiastic
and said that this modelling discussion is as
actual as can be.
Is reality a smooth substance or is it a bunch
of loose dots?
3. Human history
Family of the
chimpansee or long-lasting complex history.
These models are very
actual, although it sometimes seems
that the chimpansee
model is taken for granted.
Modelling reality was
maybe the only way of surviving
in the jungle. To see
structure in the chaos
of incoming
perceptions could make the early recognizing
of wild animals a
matter of survival.
My statement is that the hushing up of history
the rewriting of history has several motives:
1. modelling history from the viewpoint of a
scientific theory,
2. pure propaganda for political reasons,
3. religious reasons to fit history into the
believe system,
4. a mind set because of hear say.
Point 4 is very important, because we all grew
up with
the stories of home, myths and fairy tales.
Many myths and fairy-tales are absolutely true.
Sometimes it is the only information we have.
But there are also pure faked stories,
which unhappily have their believers.
The webpages about Secret History are based
my analyses of trends in history.
I could be wrong, but anyway I try to show
our readers of
that there is more to it,
then it seems to be.
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Updated July 30, 2009
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