Message from Susan
Golden Age of Peace
Just as we need food, clothing and shelter,
we also
need peace. It is a right that clings
to our beingness as a cub to his mother.
It is our birth right.
And yet
this basic right has been taken
from some of us slowly and steadily
and from others swiftly and harshly.
The latter know it clearly.
But the former either don't realize it
yet or those that do are those who have been
to the lack of it in certain situations.
Criticism either makes us angry or hurts us
have gotten to a point where it does not touch them.
It could
be because they are so numbed by pain
that it does not matter any more. Others have a
inside themselves that allows them to know that
have a
need to criticize because they feel they are less.
In order
to make themselves feel more important
they become the judge and attempt to belittle
Anyone can possess the knowledge
that someone criticizes because they feel
but that knowledge alone is not enough. If a
person has been
put down
in their life as a child
then when they are an adult and
are criticized this could just make them feel
Forcing someone into the mud does not make
them feel better about themselves.
If you really want to help someone
to improve him or herself,
then you can just let them know in a friendly
way would be better for them to do this.
This is called constructive criticism.
It improves the situation with hurting anyone.
This is another right that is quickly
If we do not take care of this baby
it will disappear completely.
There are only small pocket of it left.
We need to pray for the freedom of all people
all over this beloved planet NOW.
We may think we live in a country or island
where we have it but just try to be different
even in a positive way and you will see.
Many have thought that they could demonstrate,
only to find that they are attacked, even those
who were standing in "safe zones"
off to the side of these events.
We should have the right to express discontent,
right to stand up for ourselves,
for others and even for this beautiful planet.
But just interview those that did and were
sprayed with pepper or thrown into jail.
No you do not usually read about this in the
but todays news and different events are now
at the site of alternative news websites on the
I recommend that you track them down.
I know it is easy to be a couch potato or
to bury your head in the sand but there are
out there who are working for freedom. They do
it not just
demonstrations, but they travel to places
where there is need, they start or
contribute to alternative newspapers
, magazines or websites, they pray for, or work
to help people to be released from jail
who do not belong there, they work as
for specific projects, they write books,
they enlighten friends, strangers or family,
they write letters to politicians,
corporations or other places of power
to help whatever situation calls for help.
In short, they work and contribute however they
they can at that time to help create a better
The age of innocence is gone.
There is a group of people on this planet
who have worked hard to get rid of it so that
they can control you in every that they can.
Oh, you may not know it because you buy into
It is an easy thing to do.
Stepping out of the box is difficult.
(Not really but some think that it is.)
It does take some time and some effort.
But the rewards are priceless,
maybe not instantaneously but in the end,
when their is world peace and freedown
we will all benefit.
Right now 10 percent of the population control
about 90 percent of the worlds wealth.
Those that control the wealth also control the
tv, radio, drug companies, banks and much much
You have been duped in every way
that could be through taxes, high
and compounded interest on loans
which comes by way of "created money"
(money which does not exist),
low interest rates on savings accounts,
ingredient lists on foods (no, they do not
reveal all),
lack of ingredient lists on cigarettes,
modified products, irrediated products,
effects of things you ingest, put on your face,
or into your garden. I could go on and on
but this scratches the surface.
With a little research you can find all of this
If you do not already know all this,
do make the effort to be informed.
Here is a news flash for you.
You are the super hero who is going to save the
Even if all you can do is pray, by jove,
I suggest that you do it because we need to
this situation around and turn it around fast.
First get informed.
Check out all the alternative sources
of info that you can. Then share this with
Then become involved in whatever way is right
for you.
Also encourage others to get involved too.
We need everyone to get involved. Those that do
not will
not get
on the ark so do not waste time
trying to convince anyone. If someone is not
then move on to the next. We need the willing,
not those who will drag us down.
Those who are really spiritual/humanistic will
the ones that will be open.
Those are the ones we can count on.
Also realize that some will not help out of
Fear is
lack of love,
so send them love and be hopeful
that they will someday be able to help.
In love and light,
You may e-mail:
July 22, 2011
on this website:
by Susan and Robert