Goddess Page
The Child Divinity
The Child Divinity
Although Christianity every year remembers
the birth of the Child at Christmas time,
the Child Divinity is not really a natural part
of Christianity as it seems to be.
The New Testament only gives in two places
some short accounts on the Birth,
with a lot of unusual elements,
like shepherds, the angles choir,
the cave, the star above the cave,
the three wise men coming to bring gifts,
the hostile king trying to kill the Child.
And most of all the pregnancy of two childs
at the same time, both miraculously conceived,
one child in high age,
and the other child conceived by a virgin.
Many authors are referring to the Child
as if the stories of the Birth and the Virgin conception
are everywhere and plenty.
But this is not correct.
Of all the books available, the Nag Hammadi,
the Pistis Sophia, the gospels of the New
the Aprocyphal writings it is clear that
writings about the Birth are scarce.
It is clear, that neither the original writings
of Christianity,
written long before the New Testament,
nor the later writings of the New Testament
were much involved in giving accounts of the
Also the Essenes did not write much about the
Next to the Male Divinity, symbolized by the
was recognized the Female Divinity,
symbolized in the Moon.
We see Mary standing on the Moon in many
In the same way we find in ancient religion
the Child Divinity, sitting on the lap of the Mother.
In many Christian households we find
the statue or a picture of the Mother of God
(Neter Mut)
with the Child on her lap.
This statue is part of religion since thousands
of years.
On the temple of Luxor, part of the cross
procession road
which I explained on
another webpage in Home2b.nl,
we find a huge carved wall relief with
the Annunciation of the conceiving of the
the conception of the Child,
the Birth and Adoration of the Child,
and the presenting of gifts by three wise men.
This is a relief on the wall from about the
same time and
the same place where I am positioning
This brings forward the triade of
the Amen of our prayers,
the Mut (Neter Mut) who is the Mother,
the Child sitting on Her lap.
Many authors are pointing to the triade
Asar (Osiris) - Ast (Isis) - Heru-p-khart
(Horus the Child)
in which Ast (Isis) is interchangable
with the Goddesses Het-Heru (Hathor).
Other religions honoring
the Child Divinity
Many authors point to the fact that
also in the Sumerian-Babylonian religion
the Mother with Child was a much honored statue
and in India the Mother Devaki and the Child
are very much honored.
The two holy books of "the Game of
are about the childhood of Krishna.
I don't know who was first and
whether there is any importance in being first
or being
older in world history.
The important point is the direct line
ancient Egyptian religion
to the early Christian beliefs.
Mystery Churches
We have to keep in mind that
the original Christian churches were mystery
This means that also the knowledge as it is
written down
in the known writings, could very well
by this division of knowledge into rankings.
Even in
historical times in Western Europe
the believers were divided in several rankings,
of which each could enter
their own separated part of the cathedral.
Believers were introduces to new truths
when it was their time to know more of
Surely the knowledge of the Father-Mother-Child
was part of these separated portions of truth.
Developing the
new spirituality
In developing rituals for the Moon cycle of the
listening to the natural rhythm and energy of
our planet,
and rituals for the rhythm of the Sun,
we also have to keep in mind, that our religion
is very much based on the three sides of
The Child will be the One who is calling
you and us back into life through
the resurrection into the new life.
The Child will become the adult Son.
In a way the Child Divinity has a threefold
the Birth with miracles encircled and
the little Child sitting on the lap of Mut;
the Life on Earth with the message of Peace and
the Death of the Child.
To give the Child Divinity His place in
the development of the new spirituality
will be a big challenge.
More research is necessary on this subject.
This webpage will have several versions
in the near future.
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Updated July 29, 2011
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