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Index page for Megalithic Culture webpages






Spirit Place 50 menhir La Pierre qui tourne



The twin stone of La Pierre qui Tourne



Special page on La Pierre qui tourne





General menu






Megalithic culture:

how old, where from,

ancient knowledge


Beschrijving: sunflower wants to give the megalithic culture

more attention.

The megaliths are very very ancient.

When the pyramids were built,

the megaliths were already ancient

 and the megalithic civilization already gone over

into other civilizations.


Beschrijving: image004


It took a lot of research,

but we found the twin stone!

The twin of La Pierre qui Tourne

in morancez, France


Beschrijving: image004


The 51 megalithic monuments in the Netherlands

are officially dated to be built 3400BC until 3200BC.

The people who did build these monuments were

parts of the ancient Goddess culture of Old Europe

as has been unearthed by Prof Marijah Gimbutas.


The Ley Line Group visits the megalithic monuments D7D8 and D9

and have switched on the energy through the

Goddess Points.

See the special page.


Beschrijving: sunflower


The megalithic Sun temple at the Heumenberg (Rhenen)

is unique on the mainland of Europe.

See the webpage about the Second Visit to this big Sun temple.

Beschrijving: suntemple

The Sun temple is oriented West East.



The bridge between the Atlantis civilization

and the known civilizations in Peru, Lemuria,

Ireland, Thracia, ancient Egypt

could be the megalithic civilization.

Megaliths are found all around the world.


The following sequence of civilizations

could be possible:

Latest melting of the Ice Caps 11000BC

Atlantis destroyed 10000BC by the raised ocean level

Megalithic Goddess civilization 10000BC-2900BC

Thracian civilization 5200BC-350BC

Ancient Egypt 4000BC-542AD

Orphic religious system from 5200BC until at least 700AD

Ancient Christian religion 2050BC until 1500AD

New Christian era 350AC until now.


Beschrijving: sunflower


A megalithic temple in the Netherlands:

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(dolmen D53)

Chamber in the same megalithic temple:

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(dolmen D53)

This chamber was used for an unknown goddess religion,

in which colors and grain played an important role.

Beschrijving: sunflower


As always both Robert and Susan are stating

their own opinions, founded upon research,

study and visiting the area.

Although we are combining scientific research

 with spiritual intuition we state only our opinions.


What you do with our opinions is your own choice.

Even when we have the opinion that things or procedures

are healthy or not healthy

and/or dangerous or not dangerous,

and/or good or evil,

it is only our personal opinion we are stating.

Certainly we have no intention to insult anybody.


We don’t accept any responsibility or liability

regarding our opinions and/or the content of this website.


Beschrijving: netherlands_fl_md_wht comes from the Netherlands


The majority of images and pictures (98 percent and more)

is originally made by Robert and Susan.

All text is originally made by Robert and Susan.


Regarding the other materials on the website,

we have the approval of the owners.

If you think we have used a doubtful element

in our website and you are able to state

the copyright of that element, please let us know

and we will take that element out of our website without delay.

We want to respect everyones copyright,

as we expect to be respected by you.


Unless explicitly specified otherwise,

this page and all other pages of are

Copyright© 2002-2007 by Robert and Susan at

Any use of text, images, layout, format, look,

or feel of these pages, without the written permission

of the copyright holder, is strictly prohibited.
All Rights Reserved.

Beschrijving: blflwbr1



Menu of webpages about the Megalithic Culture:



The Sun temple at the Heumenberg at Rhenen



Megalithic temple with goddess chapel

Spirit Place 47



Megalithic temple

in the Netherlands:

Hunebed (dolmen) D 52



Smarotsazorski Mineralim Bahn in Bulgaria:

Temple with chapel



Megalithic dolmen D53 at Havelte

Dolmen D53




Dolmen D54

also at Havelte

Hunebed D54




more special webpages are coming soon




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what is new on

Updated July 31, 2012

Everything on this website:

Copyright©2002-2012 by Robert and Susan


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